Sunday, August 8, 2010

Dos Amigos

Dos Amigos
Even sittin here drinking coffee at an oilfield campground I'm actually glad to have no walls. A cheap hotel has one view of the interstate and the other of Fox News/CNN/ESPN/whatever. I’m becoming less of fan to all of those. I’m beginning to see myself as my dad on Dog Island (kidding).
SKIP this and go to the next blog for an ACTUAL music blog if you prefer (“refer to “I finally found it!”).
So, thanks to Heath (APA) I met the owners of Dos Amigos. GREAT couple (a bug just fell on my keyboard and crawled down inside :() hope my de-bugger detects that! This is a famous old bar (started early 70’s) with a big courtyard for concerts with everyone from Gary Alan to Willie Nelson (who “Facebooked” me yesterday/it ain’t him though :() that play or have played there and they even have a fully operational bull riding ring! DUDE! Rick is a retired Navy Helicopter pilot (and clown/juggler/many other things) and Nute is just a freakin live wire (and a lot more than that)! He’d be telling me the operations of the place and the how’s and why’s and she’d come by (while greeting and waiting and bar-tending and cooking) and interject really great stuff about the people that have performed there and what they were like to work with (along with a lot of details of the business stuff, as well). She’s the heart of the place. Do NOT ask her about Pat Green. Then again, do ask her about Pat Green. Make sure you have “tape rollin’”. LOVED talking with these guys about how the hell to run a bar successfully. It’s gotta be SO tough in today’s market AND in this town. Other people have spoken SO well of these two (artists, agents & managers) that I’m so glad that I got to meet them. The name of the bar is so fitting. Thanks again Heath for the hook up and to Rick and Nute Purcell for all the great food, beer and insight and funny damn stories (and I love the fact that they love Luke Bryan, apparently he went over huge)! You guys BETTER come to Nashville. Did I say there was NO freakin music on a Friday night!!!??? Midget Mud wrestling the next night, though. Seriously. Midget Mud wrestling. Music’s really in the shitter, I guess. You’re gonna see their picture with me (above). I didn’t wanna be in it but they thought I was a big star from Nashville ;). Muchas gracias , mis amigos.


  1. Really enjoying your posts! Keep 'em coming!!!

  2. Midget mud wrestling? I reckon I could get in on that. Does it pay?


  3. Yikes! Knew your journey might be educational but Micro Championship Wrestling exceeds all expectations. []
