I've started back on my last run from now until late January to finish what will end up being a 6 month journey. GOOD lord! and I've finally got my second wind :). Stopping in at The White Mule last night in Columbia, SC I found a great looking bar in a basement with old bricked walls (with some really nice art) and exposed ceilings. What I found playing here on this damn cold and desolate downtown night was "Hymn for Her". They are a really talented duo out of Philly. It looks to be a husband and wife duo. She plays mostly a cigar box guitar (with a lot of slide) and he plays everything else (pretty dang well). They had a sweet and beautiful little blond curly headed daughter who played video games (off to the side). The little girl would also be the CD salesman trying to get people to buy her parents CD's. It almost seemed a little pitiful seeing as maybe only 6 people (who were not working there) that were her only options. I really wanted to get a picture of her to show you but taking pictures can seem a little like the "monkey in a cage" thing to me and I just really feel uncomfortable about it all sometimes especially in situations like this so I didn't take one or ask. The lady sitting at the bar asked them during a break if they had a place to stay and the mother said no so she said that they could stay with her explaining that her house was old and cold but that they were welcome. I don't know, maybe they are used to that kind of life but it just seemed sad to me. Hell who knows, maybe their having the times of their lives. Back to music, really talented duo though it was too eclectic for my taste.
I hung out at the bar for a little bit afterwards talking with one of the partners of the place (Travis Maynard) and Greg Rue, who ran sound as well as puts together some shows with Travis. Greg also works with some Nashville artists, too. Really good guys who seem genuine and genuinely excited and passionate about promoting shows and music around Columbia. That's one good thing about being on the road. It's tough for these promoters, bar owners, musicians, sound guys, etc... but it's ALWAYS been a "scratch and claw" business for these guys and people that are out here in it (as was in Texas and New Orleans) seem to take it all stride with the job description. Thanks for the tips guys and hopefully we'll run into each other again soon :), S
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